Course Information

  Course Information

  1. Curriculum

    • During the course of this year, we will cover the following topics:

    • Structure, Function and Information Processing (MS-LS1-1, MS-LS1-2, MS-LS1-3, MS-LS1-8)

    • Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems (MS-LS1-6, MS-LS1-7, MS-LS2-1, MS-LS2-3, MS-LS2-4)

    • Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems (MS-LS2-2, MS-LS2-5)

    • Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms (MS-LS1-4, MS-LS1-5, MS-LS3-1, MS-LS3-2, MS-LS3-5)

    • Natural Selection and Adaptations (MS-LS4-1, MS-LS4-2, MS-LS4-3, MS-LS4-6)

  2. Lesson Plans

    • Click HERE for the current semester's lesson plans.

  3. Copies of handouts and worksheets

    • Click HERE for the current semester's handouts.

    • Click HERE for the current semester's worksheets.

  4. Class Syllabus

    • Click HERE for the Class Syllabus (pdf)